Dear Resident
The Parish Council, with the help of local residents, is in the process of reviewing the Filby Neighbourhood Plan. The plan was adopted in 2020, with its policies used by Great Yarmouth Borough Council to help determine all planning applications in the parish. It enables us to have a much greater influence over development decisions that affect the parish and we have successfully used it object to a number of new housing developments had have been proposed in the village over the last few years.
The plan also helps to guide the work of the Parish Council, as it contains the views and aspirations of residents for how you would like the parish to improve. Many of the aspirations set out in the Neighbourhood Plan have been achieved, for example when developing the plan you told us you’d like to see a regular bus service running through Filby. We now have a 6 day a week service that is well used by both our residents and those of neighbouring villages to get to Norwich and Great Yarmouth. We have also planted a new community woodland and made other improvements to habitat in the parish, and have been in discussion with Norfolk County Council about implementing a new crossing point outside the Post Office.
We see the review of Filby Neighbourhood Plan as an excellent opportunity to engage with residents to ensure the parish continues to develop as you wish it to in the future.
We would like you to complete a short survey to help with this. There are hard copies of the survey available at the Post Office, or you can complete it online at:
We will also be running a drop in event on Saturday 21 September 10am to 1pm at
Filby Club House. Please do pop in to give us your views on the parish and how you
would like it to develop in the future.
This initial stage of consultation will run until midnight on 6 October 2024. There will
be further opportunities for you to give us your views as we progress with the review
over the next year, but this stage where you are able to give your initial feedback is
particularly important.
If you would like to stay involved in the Neighbourhood Plan review, please contact
the Parish Clerk on and we will keep you updated on meetings
and events.