Filby Parish Council

Filby Parish Council is served by 7 elected councillors. Elections are held every four years, with the last being in May 2023. Occasionally, a vacancy may arise during the term of office, and normally a new councillor will be co-opted to the Council.
We meet at least 6 times a year. Our role in the community is to provide services and facilities for our residents and visitors. We also have a consultation role in respect of planning. We liaise with other statutory and voluntary bodies.

We have a Clerk who is also the Responsible Financial Officer for the Council. Everything the Council does is laid down in law. It is the clerks role to ensure the Council acts within the law.
Filby Parish Councillors
Adrian Thompson - Chairman. Tel 01493 369250
David Shaw - Vice Chairman
Louise Elms - Councillor
Lynette Hutchinson - Councillor
Karen Leftley - Councillor
Derek Nicker - Councillor
Ian Richardson - Councillor
All correspondence for Parish Councillors can be sent to
Click here to view the Councillors' Register of Interests
Borough Councillor
Adrian Thompson. Tel 01493 369250. Email
County Councillor
Andy Grant. Tel 07833 083903. Email